Computational Geodynamics, Yonsei University
Changyeol Lee Ph. D., Geophysics
Publications *correspoding author
Changyeol Lee and YoungHee Kim*
Understanding subduction infancy to mature subduction in Southwest Japan via the self-consistent formation of a weak slab interface
Scientific Report, accepted
Changyeol Lee*, Nestor G. Cerpa, Dongwoo Han, and Ikuko Wada
Modeling liquid transport in the Earth’s mantle as two-phase flow: Effect of an enforced positive porosity on liquid flow and mass conservation
Solid Earth, accepted
Ritabrata Dasgupta and Changyeol Lee*
Lithospheric weakening by a small-scale plume and its geodynamic implications
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, accepted
Dongwoo Han, Yong-Hee Park, and Changyeol Lee*
Pressure-driven processes explain the decreasing magnetization of the subducting oceanic crust in the Japan Trench
Communications Earth & Environment, v. 4(242)
Soohwan Yoo and Changyeol Lee*
Controls on Melt Focusing Beneath Old Subduction Zones: A Case Study of Northeast Japan
Tectonophysics, v. 851, 229766
Hyunseoung Kim, Youngjun Lee, Doyoung Kim and Changyeol Lee*
Roles of partial hydration of mantle transition zone and wadsleyite–olivine phase transition in wet plume development: Origin of Quaternary intraplate volcanoes in Korea
Tectonophysics, v. 837, 229467
Tae Kwon Yun, WeonShik Han, Changyeol Lee, Gidon Han, DoHyun Seo, Youngmin Lee
Simulated evaluations of hydrothermal anomaly in Muroto Transect, Nankai Trough, Japan
Gondwana Research, v. 109, 442-459
Changyeol Lee and YoungHee Kim*
Role of warm subduction in the seismological properties of the forearc mantle: An example from southwest Japan
Science Advances, v. 7(28), eabf8934.
Changyeol Lee and Ikuko Wada*
Volcano Clustering Promoted by the Cessation of Back-Arc Spreading and Ensuing Nascent Lithospheric Drips
Geophysical Research Letters, v. 48(9)
Ritabrata Dasgupta*, Nibir Mandal and Changyeol Lee
Controls of subducting slab dip and age on the extensional versus compressional deformation in the overriding plate
Tectonophysics, v. 801, 228716
Changyeol Lee*, Donghoon Seoung, Nestor G. Cerpa
Effect of water solubilities on dehydration and hydration in subduction zones and water transport to the deep mantle: Implications for natural subduction zones
Gondwana Research, v. 89, 287-305
Soohwan Yoo and Changyeol Lee*
Correlation of Quaternary volcano clusters with partial melting of mantle wedge, northeast Japan: A numerical model study
Geophysical Research Letters, v. 47(7)
Yoon-Mi Kim and Changyeol Lee*
Mantle temperature anomaly in southern Kermadec speculated by three-dimensional numerical subduction modeling
Geo-Marine Letters, v. 38(4), 351-358
Changyeol Lee*
Initiation of Adakite Occurrence in Cretaceous Arc, Northeast Asia
Geosciences Journal, v. 22(3), 383-391
In-Chang Ryu and Changyeol Lee*
Intracontinental mantle plume and its implications for the Cretaceous tectonic history of East Asia
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 479, 206-218
Changyeol Lee and Ikuko Wada*
Clustering of arc volcanoes caused by temperature perturbations in the back-arc mantle
Nature Communications, v. 8, 15753
Sung Won Kim, Sanghoon Kwon, Seung-Ik Park, Changyeol Lee*, Deung-Lyong Cho, Hong-Jin Lee,
Kyoungtae Ko and Sook Ju Kim
SHRIMP U-Pb dating and geochemistry of the Cretaceous plutonic rocks in the Korean Peninsula: A new tectonic model of the Cretaceous Korean Peninsula
Lithos, v. 262, 88-106
Changyeol Lee* and In-Chang Ryu
A New Tectonic Model for the Genesis of Adakitic Arc Magmatism, in Cretaceous East Asia in Subduction Dynamics: From Mantle Flow to Mega Disasters
In AGU Geophysical Monograph, Wiley
Changyeol Lee and Chungwan Lim*
Three-dimensional time-evolving plume-slab interaction for the generation of the Abukuma adakite, Northeast Japan
Gondwana Research, v. 38, 99-112
Chungwan Lim and Changyeol Lee*
Effects of temporal plume-slab interaction on the partial melting of the subducted oceanic crust
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, v. 113, 857-865
YoungHee Kim, Changyeol Lee and Seung-Sep Kim*
Tectonics and volcanism in East Asia: Insights from geophysical observations
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, v. 113, 842-856
Chungwan Lim, Min Huh, Keewook Yi and Changyeol Lee*
Genesis of the columnar joints from welded tuff in Mount Mudeung National Geopark, Republic of Korea
Earth, Planets and Space, v. 67:152
Chungwan Lim, Seonyoung Kim and Changyeol Lee*
Geochemical fingerprint of the primary magma composition in the marine tephras originated from the Baegdusan and Ulleung volcanoes
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, v. 95, 266-273
Yoon-Mi Kim and Changyeol Lee*
Effect of time-evolving age and convergence rate of the subducting plate on the Cenozoic adakites and boninites
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, v. 95, 300-312
Changyeol Lee and Chungwan Lim*
Short-term and localized plume-slab interaction explains the genesis of Abukuma adakite in Northeastern Japan
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 396, p. 116-124
Changyeol Lee*
Effects of radiogenic heat production and mantle compressibility on the behaviors of Venus’ and Earth’s mantle and lithosphere
Geosciences Journal, v. 18(1), p. 13-30
Changyeol Lee* and Scott D. King
Dynamic Buckling of Subducting Slabs Reconciles Geological Observations
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 312, p. 360-370
Changyeol Lee* and Scott King
Why are high Mg# andesites widespread in the western Aleutians? A numerical model approach
Geology, v. 38(7), p. 583-586
Scott King, Changyeol Lee, Peter van Keken, Wei Leng, Shijie Zhong, Eh Tan, Nicola Tosi and Masanori Kameyama
A Community Benchmark for 2D Cartesian Compressible Convection in the Earth's Mantle
Geophysical Journal International, v. 180, p. 73-87
Changyeol Lee* and Scott King
Effect of mantle compressibility on the thermal and flow structures of the subduction zones
Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, v. 10, Q01006, DOI:10.1029/2008GC002151.
Youngdo Park, Changyeol Lee and Jin-Han Ree
Simulation of magmatic fabrics using PFC
In Numerical Modeling in Micromechanics via Particle Methods – 2004, Y. Shimizu, R. Hart and P. Cundall (Eds.), p. 175-180, A. A. Balkema Publishers, the Netherlands
Changyeol Lee*, Youngdo Park and Sanghoon Kwon
Simulation of a two-dimensional ‘thin-skinned’ orogenic wedge using PFC
In Numerical Modeling in Micromechanics via Particle Methods – 2004, p. 181-186, Y. Shimizu, R. Hart and P. Cundall (Eds.), A. A. Balkema Publishers, the Netherlands